Monday, 13 July 2009

Free listing heaven

Even if you haven't got a website you can still list your business on most online directories. You know what it's like when your doing a presentation, all of the information that you've stored in your brain disappears as soon as you open your mouth, so here they are:

Google Maps
Yahoo Local (City Vistor too, but you'll need to be persistant)
Access Place
Free Index (this one is great you can add a profile with images)
Touch Worcester
Business Magnet

Here are a few to get started with but there are many and some are better for particular trades. The trick is to type your industry (Florist, cleaner..) and area into different search engines (Google, MSN, Yahoo - the most popular), and look for the directories that pop up on the first and second page. Now make sure that your details are on them and if there are sections to write about your products/services fill those in too, as you may find that you could get a higher listing position if you do this well.

If you haven't got a website it may be a good idea to at least have a page with your details on so you do have some online presence. This will also help for future search engine positioning when you decided to go ahead with your website. Sara x

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